Thursday, September 20, 2018

Almost There

My Bluethroat is coming along. 
Some legs and further plants and I'll be done.

While the quality of my stitching remains pretty steadfast, my bird photos are reliant upon distance and weather.

Here's a Cedar Waxwing with a blue sky background.

Another against a grey sky. 

I think this one is competing for the title of Angry Bird!

And this one the title of Ruffled Bird.

A much slimmer looking Cedar Waxwing.

Even with a blue sky, low light and distance removed many of the details of this Western Tanager.

But as it may be my last sighting for the year, I had to share.


  1. Your bird stitch is coming along and looking lovely, Beth! I love the 'angry' bird shot you shared.

  2. Your bird photos always look wonderful to me regardless of the weather, Beth! And your pretty Bluethroat is so sweet--bet you'll have a finish this weekend :)

  3. Always love to see birds that we do not have here. Have a good day Diane

  4. Lovely cross stitched blue throat, and beautiful bird visitors!

  5. What a sweet stitch Beth. And I love all of your photos...such pretty birds. RJ

  6. The blue throat is coming along very nicely. I especially love the pictures with the grey sky, not sure why. They just really make the birds stand out.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.