Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

I'm seeing some changes in the number of birds.

This Rufous was my favorite visitor.

The bird perched on the fence very near my chair...

...and let me approach and get within a foot or so.

But I've not seen it for a few days...

...and I think that it has left on its migration southward.

I'll miss him / her...

...but hummers live up to 12 year, so maybe I'll see it again next spring.

You have a standing invitation to return!

Here's a docile Anna's couple - female on left - male on right.

They drank from the same feeder for a couple of minutes.

None of the Rufous dominance games. 

Maybe they were a couple this spring.

Anna's female

Anna's male

Bright and shining 

Another Rufous - they are such characters!

See the yellow pollen on the bill?

I still have four Rufous...

...and the same number of Anna's...

..two males and these two females.


  1. That Annas hummingbird is so pretty, just love the colors. You sure get some great pictures. Thanks for sharing, I always look forward to looking at your blog every morning. What are you stitching?

  2. Nope sorry I meant the Rufous Hummingbird! Lol...not that the Anna isn’t pretty also...

  3. Great hummer pictures, Beth! Ours have been very active at the feeders this weekend. Enjoy your day!

  4. The iridescent pink is so pretty - nature can't be replicated Beth.

  5. I take great joy and comfort from these sweet birds you share.

  6. I am always so jealous of you with these hummingbirds, how I wish we had them here. Take care Diane

  7. As pretty as they are, those Rufous better get going. They have along trip ahead of them!

  8. Those are so nice Beth! Great pictures. We saw quite a few hummers at our Grandson and GDIL's Sunday but I didn't get pictures. They've planted a native plant garden for birds and bees and butterflies... it was lovely (so proud of them).


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.