Friday, August 3, 2018

Red-wing Blackbird

Design - "Red-wing Blackbird"
Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part II"
Designer - Heartstring Samplery
Fabric - 32 count PTP Wren linen
Fibers- GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 May 2018
Completed - 1 August 2018

Once again Beth Twist hit a home run! The colors she used exactly replicate the 'real life' bird. I did have to mess with the bird's eye.  She correctly charted it as chocolate brown, but it did not stand out from the surrounding colors, so I lightened it.

You can look at my spring visitor for comparison...

I had a male Red-wing Blackbird stop by earlier this year. 

I held off sharing the photos as I wanted to feature them with the cross stitch finish.

A lovely bird - and one I enjoy seeing year after year. 


  1. Love your bird finish, Beth! The real one is very handsome as well.

  2. Beautiful stitching! I love birds. Mockingbirds and Whippoorwills are my special favourites.

  3. Wonderful finish Beth. Just perfect.

  4. Redwing blackbirds are one of my favorites and we always get a lot near our pond. I even stitched one, complete with fuzzy cattail, for the EGA project of the US map several years ago.
    Enjoyed your update as always.

  5. This stitch is lovely. I have had red wing blackbirds come to my feeder often, they chase away the other birds though.

  6. Oh I love this stitch Beth. The colors and design are wonderful. RJ


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.