Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wednesday's Garden Walk

Today is our last pleasant day before temps increase into the 90's. 
Things are happening in the flowerbed around the house.  Let's take a walk and have a look-see.

Love the contrast of the pink penstemon and the bright green leaves of the other plant. 

Can you see the bumblebee?  He's got two large packets of pollen.

Sweetpea 'Wilshire Ripple'.  Love this mix. 

My sister has two trellises of sweetpeas.  This the second one a micture of violets and mauves.

Here a penstemon...

...there a penstemon!

A David Austin rose.

'Peace Celebration'

Another David Austin rose.

I'll get the names added to the roses after I speak with my sister.

My favorite - 'Queen of Sweden'.


A salvia and pincushion plant.  

Here's a look at the rose flowerbed.  It is only two years old and is looking fantastic.  Kudos to my sister for mapping out a plan and her great plant selections.

'Black and Blue Salvia' - My favorite of of the salvias.

'La Trinidad' holds sway on the left, while 'Black and Blue' claims most of the space on the right.  The plants in the bed are selected to entice our hummingbirds.  And they do! 


  1. What lovelies to see on your nature walk today, Beth! I bet the bees and hummers love it all.

  2. Beth, your gardens are so beautiful. I am very happy that this is the first year my black and blue salvia has come back. We will be getting hotter too. I really appreciate that AC we put in 3 years ago. Plus we are so low on rain with absolutely none in sight!

  3. You have a beautiful selection of flowers Beth, we have quite a few of the same but yours look so much healthier than ours. Our David Austin roses haven't like the heat this summer.

  4. Oh, just look at those lovely roses! I've always heard that roses grow best in your climate, Beth. We have tried here, but failed miserably.

  5. What a pretty walk filled with the most gorgeous flowers. RJ


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