Monday, July 2, 2018

July's Blog Header

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles July 2018 Blog Header

My goodness - the year is half over and we are looking July in the face!  Here are the names of the designers and designs that make up this month's header.

Row #1: Heart in Hand, "Stars and Stripes" - "Stoop"; Lizzie Kate, "July"; Subrosa, "13 Stars".

Row #2: Curtis Boehringer, "3 for 2 July" - "Flag Sampler"; Homespun Elegance, "Patriotic Times" - "Flag"; "Lizzie Kate, "Liberty Sampler".

July birds include some yellow ones.

I am not at my best trying to ID warblers - especially if they are females.
I had this one as an Orange-crowned Warbler, but now I think it might be a female Yellow Warbler.

If I send in my eBird report for the day with a photo some one will look at it and tell me if I'm wrong.

Shade vs sun makes for a very different looking bird, but it is the same one.

I have seen a male Wilson's Warbler, but was not able to get a photo.

And here's a Flycatcher - either a Western Wood Peewee or an Olive-sided Flycatcher.

If it had deigned to 'talk' I'd know for sure, but not, it was silent! 


  1. I'm impressed that you can tell the difference between birds by their song. That is quite a skill. Love your patriotic July header.

  2. Beth, your July header is fabulous. I recognized all but two of the stitches. Do you know if the 13 Stars by Subrosa is still available?

  3. Love your new header Beth. It is wonderful. And your bird photos are always impressive and much enjoyed. RJ

  4. What a pretty header for July!! I love seeing your yellow birds. I am impressed that you know their calls!

  5. Ah, identifying warblers - its the road to madness and despair!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: nice post!

  6. What a festive header! I like the Boehringer.

  7. Love your July patriotic header, Beth! My favorite is the LK Liberty Sampler--don't think I've seen that before and seems very different from her normal designs.

    Enjoy the new month!

  8. Another great header, I love the Flag Sampler!


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