Saturday, July 21, 2018

A Saturday Surprise

We check our two trail cameras mid-month to make sure they are functioning properly, but I generally do not share any photos until the month has ended.  I'm going to make an exception today with this Saturday Surprise post because I could not wait to share this cuteness.

So at 11:43pm on July 3rd a sow strolled by with a cub...

...make that TWO cubs!

She stopped by for a refreshing drink.  We keep this 5 gallon galvanized bucket full of fresh water.

One cub came over to investigate...

...followed by the second cub. 

But wait there's a BIG tree!

And I'm a bear!

And bears climb trees...or not.

Back to the water.

What's this toy hooked to the handle of the bucket?

Let me grab it...

..and wander off with it. 

It's the brush the humans use to clean the bucket.

I think it's a great bear toy!
(My mom wants to buy a cheap big plastic ball to see if the cubs will play with that).  


  1. Thanks for sharing early Beth...what great footage this is cubs are amazing to watch😘 have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks Beth! Wonderful!

  3. Oh my! What fabulous pictures of the mama bear and her cubs! They are fun to watch. Enjoy your Saturday!

  4. So stinking cute. Thanks for sharing. Made my day.

  5. You never know who's going to wander by. So sweet. hugs

  6. Love that post Beth. My daughter was riding on a favorite trail in the woods not far from here. A bear cub wandered into the path. She said it was very cute but she got quickly away knowing that mama was not far away.

  7. Wonderful! You really do get much better footage that I manage!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Beth, You know how much I enjoyed this post!! It deserves a post on it's own!! The cubs are too adorable for words!! I love the last photo with the cub standing and checking out the brush. I agree with your Mom, leave a ball there and see what happens!

  9. How wonderful--Yes, put out a ball :-)!

  10. OMGoodness, the cuteness! I love black bears and this is adorable! Yes, try a ball, I wonder what what else they'd play with?


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