Friday, July 6, 2018

A Patriotic Stitch

Batter Up!  This is on my rotation schedule now.

Back to the babies...

The three sets of Violet-green Swallow parents are hard at work...
They come...

...They go!  (Carrying a fecal sac).

So isn't this sweet?

Who knew a baby bird could have hair horns?

This year I've been delighted to watch a couple of Black-capped Chickadee families with fledglings.

The babies beg and chatter and chatter and chatter... 

...and beg some more.

The adults are feeding them peanuts and suet.

They're hanging atop a suet feeder here.

A sunflower chip offering for a change of pace.

Cutness - young Evening Grosbeak.

And California Quail babies!

There are at least four families - maybe more. 

This is one of the older groups.

The babies are bigger than marshmellows...

and are already good fliers.


  1. Cute stitch! Those baby quail are too precious. Love the hair horns on the baby bird, I have never seen that before!

  2. Lovely stitch you’ve birds are the greatest so fun to see & watch 😍

  3. I really like your next up stitch, Beth! Oh my goodness, those quail babies are darling. The hair horns on the baby bird made me chuckle.

  4. Those babies are too adorable! Love the July header and the Lizzie Kate will be a great addition!

  5. Oh, my goodness--those quail babies are the cutest!! Thank you for the smile today, Beth--and enjoy your pretty new stitch!

  6. I really love seeing all the cute baby birds!!!What a great patriotic little stitch!

  7. Looks like a fun stitch, Beth. I had a little laugh at the feeding photos.... At what point does the parent bird say to the baby, "OK, dear, you're big enough to feed yourself!" They look like they are almost the same size. Gives new meaning to the term "helicopter parent"! Have a great weekend.

  8. Such cute baby birds! The quail are just gorgeous. I love your new patriotic stitch too.


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