Thursday, June 14, 2018

Walking on the East Side- Part Two

Are you ready to resume our walk?

Here's a lovely grove of quaking aspen.

A ceanothus in bloom. 

A yarrow of some sort.

No idea what this is - very pretty in a low key way.

Indian Paintbrush

Tumalo Creek rushing along.

West of the Cascades Osier Dogwood bloomed in early May, east of the Cascades it is blooming in June.

Nooka Rose

This small Madrone is loaded with berries. 

It looks like we aren't the first folks to have explored this area!

A native iris - very different than the iris tenax which bloomed in April.

This star flower was blooming in damp shade - lovely.

Balsam Arrowroot.

Pretty and pink.

The vistas can't be beat!


  1. Gorgeous scenery, flowers and plants from both the east and the west! Thank you for sharing, Beth!

  2. Beth, I've missed all the pretty walks, wonderful wildlife, gorgeous birds and of course your beautiful stitches. But, I'm happy to be back tonight. I have been very sick the past two months so I have a lot of catching up to do.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  3. Another wonderful post! This time the mountain vista at the end took my breath away! Wow! Not to mention so many wonderful plants on the floors of the forests and in the meadows, etc... Thanks so much for sharing with us! Hugs!


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