Friday, June 22, 2018

Newest Pattern in the Little Stitcher's Bird Series

I purchased the newest bird in The Little Stitcher's series.  It's a European Goldfinch - very different looking than our smaller mostly yellow American Goldfinch.  Am looking forward to beginning this.

And speaking of small yellow birds...

For several mornings now a Orange-crowned Warbler has been flitting about.

It is much more quietly colored than many warblers...

...and it does a great job of hiding behind leaves!

Here it is!

And a bit closer still.

A nice side profile.

I also had a larger yellow bird come by.

A female Bullock's Oriole.  I wish I'd been able to get
better photos when it was closer.

I've had a flycatcher or two as well.  

My birding experts seem to feel that this is a Dusky Flycatcher.

If so, it is a new Yard Bird and Life Bird for me.

I know that Blogger has been frustrating with Comment problems lately.  I have been upset that I've not been able to respond to comment.  Blogger has finally come up with a solution.  If you are the author of a Blogger-powered blog. You can reinstate receiving comments via your email.  
Here's how:
Go to your Blogger Dashboard
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  1. Our goldfinches are very pretty little birds Beth, we had a couple briefly visit just over a week ago.

  2. Your new little discovery is very pretty! All those yellow birds are beautiful. I hope that new plan works! I hate not responding, that is part of what makes bloggers friends!!

  3. Have just tried your email trick, hope it works!! Thanks Diane

  4. The Orange crowned warbler is a beautiful bird. Great new stitch you chose!

  5. Such a pretty new chart, Beth... I sure hope this new blogger fix works out. It has been a frustrating month for keeping in touch, hasn't it?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.