Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A Finish to Share

Design - "Bird in Hand - Summer"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 June 2018
Completed - 23 June 2018

Here it is - I think that it is a bit cluttered, but so be it.

Young birds are fledging... 

It would be hard to top this young Steller's Jay!
Isn't that expression a hoot?
Angry Bird.

He is a mess of downy feathers and note that his bill looks softer and brighter than a mature bird's.

There were no obvious parents in the area.

Here he is in all his poofy glory.

I also had a Brown-headeed Cowbird drop by.

He is rather handsome.

I continue to see Warblers - Orange-crowned mostly.
This one was singing and singing. 

Sometimes in the evening a couple of Cedar Waxwings swing by.

Love them SO much.

I would have named them Bandit Birds.

This one is "singing" - a very high pitched call. 

Here are the two birds.


  1. What a cute finish Beth. hahahaha! I LOVE that Stellar's Jay.❤️

  2. Oh Beth, I love the first shot of the Stellar's Jay. My first thought was "grumpy" bird. Your HIH finish is super; I really like the flag the bird is carrying. Enjoy your day!

  3. I love your little summer bird stitch - super cute!

  4. Your bird photos are amazing. I've only seen a Stellars Jay once when I visited Mt Ranier National Park. They are a gorgeous bird.
    Lovely stitching too. Your blog is always such an inspiration.

  5. Such a cute patriotic finish, Beth! That expression on the Stellar Jay IS priceless. I remember an old stitching kit called "Mad Blue Bird" which comes to mind :) I think I have it in my stash somewhere!

  6. Living on the east coast I love seeing all the NW birds, Some are the same and some different. That Stellar Jay is so cute. I know we have Cedar Waxwings around here although I have never seen them, I planted bushes with berries and a cherry tree but still can not lure them to my yard. What do you feed (or have planted) to attract them?

  7. That bird photo is just the best Beth.

  8. Love the finish -- too cute! Love the birdies, too. :)

  9. Love the finish -- too cute! Love the birdies, too. :)

  10. Oh I think your finish is adorable Beth...perfect for summer. And that Blue Stellar face is awesome...it gave me a good smile. And the gorgeous tail in that pretty blue is outstanding. Great bird photos to enjoy for all. RJ

  11. Your design speaks of summer, bee skeeps and strawberries! I loved seeing the little steller jay. We have lots of them around here, but I had not seen a young one.

  12. The young Stellar Jay's angry face is priceless! What a great capture. I wish I had Cedar Waxwings visit my feeders, they are truly beautiful and I love their bandit faces. Great photos!!

  13. Gosh, I forgot all about your stitch in my excitement of seeing your birds!! I think it's adorable!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.