Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

Wednesday evening  I watched two females eating on the same feeder...

...but did not have my camera handy.

So we'll make do with one female Anna at the feeder...

...and here's another one.

I also have two male Anna's.

Whenever they are together they are fighting.

The Rufous Hummingbirds are represented by this male.

When the light is just right, he glows copper and rust and gold. 

I only saw one female Rufous once this past week.

I'm sure with him hanging around there must be a couple of females.

Don't stick your tongue out at me!

This female Anna's is using some of my cotton nesting material.

They also use spiderwebs to construct their nests.

I hope someday to find an active nest. 

I wonder how many trips she'll make to construct her nest.

In some places in California which has good weather most of the year, the hummingbirds can have 4,5, and even six broods in a year.

That sounds exhausting!

Carry on - we wish you the best.


  1. That's so cool to see the female grabbing nesting material from what you provided. Very cool!

  2. Fabulous shots of nest gathering materials! Love the coloring of the Rufous males! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Such amazing rich colours of coppery gold - just beautiful.

  4. What a great post, I did love watching them last year when we were in the Caribbean. Wish we had them here. Take care Diane

  5. Wonderful photo essay, Beth. Great colors! Hummingbirds simply amaze me. Great idea to supply the cotton nesting material. Years ago I read about a stitcher who saved all of her thread snippets and tails for the birds. I can only imagine these colorful nests with bits and pieces of DMC thread poking out!

  6. Your pictures of the hummingbirds are amazing! I never have a camera close by when they are at my feeder, and it seems I am always looking through a screen door at them, doesn't make for good pictures anyway.


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