Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring Birds

A Robin is certainly a welcome spring bird.

I think this is one of my nesting chickadees. 

The bird was singing...

...and gathering nesting material (sorry for blurry photo).

I think he pecked of bits of bark from our woodpile to use in the nest. 

He was pretty intent.

Here's the bird house.

And the two birds in the brush just to the east of the nest.
Bird #1.

Bird #2.

The best Spring Bird thus far though has been the male Bullock's Oriole. 

He showed up Wednesday morning while I was eating breakfast.

So always have your camera at the breakfast table (as I did!) and you'll never miss a shot!

Orioles are famous for eating oranges and grape jelly, but this guy seemed fine with my fruit and nut cylinder.

I've had Bullock's Orioles the past two summers, but have never seen them this early.

He might have been a migrant bird headed further north, just passing through.

But to cover all my bases, I bought an oriole feeder and have it at the ready!


  1. What gorgeous coloring the Bullock's Oriole has! Your Robin stitch is moving along. Great colors!

  2. Hi Beth! The oriole is gorgeous! I really like the robin you are stitching. Robins are such a wonderful sign of spring. Have a great week and happy stitching!

  3. Beth what wonderful pictures of the Oriole thanks for sharing them with us. Just want to give you an update on my Eastern Bluebirds checked 1 box and have 5 eggs,my grandson who is 5yrs old had to put up a bluebird box at his house and he also has 5 eggs and is one excited little guy.

  4. Oh, the colors in that oriole are spectacular! And I love the bird house, Beth--is that a Marjolein Bastin design? Such a sweet photo with the little chickadee's head popping out :)

  5. I have not heard of a Bullock's Oriole--it is certainly a stunning bird! I love his beautiful color!
    Your robin is coming along nicely!
    Chickadees are such sweet little birds! I have them here, too.

  6. Love your stitched robin - he looks so real! Your feathered chickadee(s) and that oriole (incredible color!!) are beautiful!


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