Friday, May 18, 2018

Odds and Ends

Design - "Bluebird Sampler"
Designer - Just Nan
Fabric - 32 count white linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 May 2011
Completed -26 June 2011

In keeping with my bird theme - here's a finish from seven years ago.

Many of you may be aware that I've been an avid collector of Emma Bridgewater mugs for several years now.  As might be expected I concentrate on the series of bird mugs - these are my two most recent additions.  And while I have never seen a Dartford Warbler, I have seen a Pochard!

In June 2013 after watching the Trooping of the Color, my mom and I walked through St. James Park as we returned home.  There were lots of waterfowl including this Pochard.

Here at home I have been watching woodpecker antics.
I can now say that I have two female Hairy Woodpeckers.  I saw the two birds, and yes, you guessed it, they did not like one another.  Here's one of the birds sulking.  

Here's the other female in mid-flight.

And now she's landed.

And here's a male.

And I have lots of Acorn Woodpecker photos this week.

They are fun and easy to photograph.

And they do amusing things - like drink from my hummingbird feeders.

This guy must have a sweet tooth.

I regularly see him having a swig!

Here's the female.

A male clinging for dear life.

Finding better footing.

Back on the deer fence.


  1. Oh that Bluebird Sampler is just lovely! And those mugs are so pretty Beth.

  2. Love the Bluebird Sampler you stitched and the mugs are lovely. Always a delight to see your bird photos, Beth!

  3. I've always admired your bluebird sampler finish, Beth! The acorn woodpeckers look like they're actually posing for your camera--such great photos!

  4. I love your 2 new mugs--how sweet!! And I love watching and listening to woodpeckers too--and that is a neat hummer feeder--
    enjoy, di

  5. I was thinking of you earlier this evening Beth. I caught the tail end of Gardener's World and Monty Don was discussing Chelsea Flower Show coming up next week.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.