Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Birds of All Colors

The Little Stitcher has released her Bird Calendar design for May and it's an American bird this month - an Eastern Bluebird.  As soon as the Vintage Mocha linen arrives I'll be starting this.

No Bluebirds here, but I do have birds in many colors...

Bright yellow American Goldfinches.

The male is quite striking.

Here's a quietly colored female Evening Grosbeak...

...and here's the crayola crayon male!

The Black-headed Grosbeak sports Halloween colors.

Wait a minute - I do have a blue bird after all!  A California Scrub Jay.

And lastly, a shiny black Raven calling out to everyone.


  1. I look forward to seeing the bluebird stitch appear with you needle and thread, Beth. You featured a nice assortment of birds today.

  2. How lucky are you to have so many Grosbeaks visiting you. Can't wait to see your stitching on the Bluebird.


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