Tuesday, May 22, 2018

An American Robin

Design - "American Robin"
Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part II"
Designer - Heartstring Samplery
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started- 2 May 2018
Completed - 17 May 2018

Loving my American Robin finish.  I am hearing...

...and seeing lots of Robins these days.

I went on a Nature Walk and it turned out to be pretty birdy as well.

My biggest score was a female Western Tanager.

The gray sky did not make for good photos.

I also saw several Cedar Waxwings.

This was the best photo I managed.

And it was great to also see a Bushtit.

Most of the year, these are social birds and arrive in flocks, but during nesting in the spring they are solitary.

The dark eyes indicate that this is a male.

I was happy to get several decent shots as he flitted and fluttered non-stop. 

Thanks bird!


  1. American Robin is great! The eggs look like the perfect blue.

  2. Fabulous stitching Beth just a perfect match to the real deal...hoping you frame this one......have a great day!

  3. Your Robin stitch turned out great, Beth. I really like the nest with the eggs in it. I know you are thrilled to have seen a female Western Tanager.

  4. What a great finish, Beth! We haven't seen as many robins around here as we normally do. Tons of small woodpeckers, though :)

  5. Your stitched robin is lovely! In Illinois,where I grew up , robins were a sign of spring. Here, I see them all times of the year. I am guessing that is because our climate is much more moderate than northern Illinois.


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