Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday's Critters

 I have quite the collection of critter photos to share today.

Chipmunk hanging out with the California Quail.

Perched on high (on a decorative bird house).

On the big woodpile.

On the back patio - there were five - yes five chippies scurrying around Friday afternoon.

You are much safer on the woodpile...

...but no one listens to me...

...Including Douglas Squirrel who is staring at me and Parvati.

Get a move on guy!  Par maybe almost 17, but she could still take you down!

And you too Gray Guy.

I don't find this the least bit amusing!

I have at least two bunnies.  The notch in the left ear makes this one easy to recognize.

This one has perfect ears.

The deer come by occasionally.

They basically ignore me.

And yes, though I featured the bear on Friday, here are a couple more photos. This one could be captioned "Food Orgy Bliss".

Schnoz in the bird feeder vacuuming sunflower seeds.


  1. Oh, what a great collection of critters, Beth! Still can't get over the size of that bear! Hope he doesn't become a regular visitor :)

  2. That's a fair share of critters in your yard. Let's see... we have bunnies... and...squirrels. I prefer bunnies even tho they are destructive to some people. :)

  3. Nice pictures. Great to see other animals besides just birds.

  4. What a good assortment of critters! We have an overabundance of squirrels. Still no rabbit sightings in our yard. I hope the bear got his fill and stays away. Enjoy your Saturday!

  5. Love the chipmunk and wow a bear in your garden! Happy Sunday Diane

  6. Love love all the photos you sure have a neat and active back yard--
    keep snapping those photos for us--
    enjoy, di

  7. Wow! And I though have (shall we call them) large mice in the compost and possums in the roof was a bit of a a challenge! I'd love to see a bear in the wild.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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