Friday, April 13, 2018

Lucky 13

Design - "March Stamp" F36
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 March 2018
Completed - 11 April 2018

This stitch got set aside for a couple of weeks. I picked it up again Monday and finished it on Wednesday. I may end up stitching all twelve of these monthly stamps.  

It's Friday the 13th, but I am feeling lucky. 

I am lucky to have a variety of birds come to my feeders.  Even big beasties like these Band-tailed Pigeons are something special.

After a couple of month's hiatus, I was pleased to have a female Hairy Woodpecker return to one of my suet feeders. 

And I know that I am extremely lucky to have my three Acorn Woodpeckers visit most days.

I've been setting out a few peanuts in this bowl/treat feeder and one of the males has figured out that this is Easy Pickings!

I've seen all three birds together a couple of times, but by the time I've retrieved my camera, the birds have dispersed.

And last but certainly not least, I am fortunate to have several Northern Flickers as my "Reliables".


  1. Congratulations on getting the March stamp finished! Your bird pictures are super.

  2. That's a cute finish! I like the buttons for the gold in his hat. Beautiful bird pictures.

  3. What a cute little March finish!

  4. Such a cute leprechaun on Friday the 13th :) I saw a Flicker at suet feeder the other day (a rare sighting!) and my husband was so impressed that I knew what type of bird it was (of course, the credit goes to you!).

  5. Congrats on that finish! Doing all twelve... nice! Yes, we are lucky that birds choose to visit our feeders... tho I don't believe in luck. It's through diligence and a kind heart! :)


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