Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wednesday's Warm Walk

It turned out to be a lovely day after all!
No excuses to stay inside, so out we go.

The first of the trilliums are blooming! 

I like their mottled leaves as much or more than their blossoms.

This clump looks like a serving of P.F. Chang's lettuce wraps!

Pussy willow pollen and the start of allergy season.

The delicate white cascades of Osoberry blooms.

The shrubs look like hundreds of small waterfalls.

Our iconic Oregon Grape.

I've been looking and waiting and this week I was reward - the wild violets are in bloom.

...and pink...

...and white.

The seasons creeks are full and fast and clear.

Love the sunlight on these carpets of moss. 

I was surprised to see the first of the Corn Lilies (Veratrum californicum ) coming up in the bog.

Looks like we have pussy willows edging the Big Creek too.

The Grand Hound's Tongue's (Cynoglossum grande) distinctive leaves are popping up. Spring is beginning to make itself known!


  1. Great photos Beth. Everything is looking so beautiful. That pollen is killing me. I've been suffering for weeks. Love how the moss looked. PRETTY!!! RJ

  2. Such lovely signs of spring! We are a long way from it here in PA--major ice on our pond this morning :(

  3. Yay for you! Spring has sprung!! Hugs!


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