Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday's Critters - Plus Edition

I'm combining Hummers and Critters this Saturday as Sunday is Easter.

A female and male Anna's.

Male Anna's

Another photo.

Female Anna's

And a female Rufous - see how she is brown beneath her wings whereas the female Anna is white and green - no brown.  

Here's the male Rufous.

I am finally seeing both birds several times a day, so I think they've staked this area out as their spring / summer territory.

And off he goes!

A Chippy!

Getting a drink.

Eating a stash of sunflowers.

Chipmunk cheeks!

Here's one of my two Douglas Squirrels.  This is obviously a male, so I'll call him Douglas, if the other turns out to be a female she can be Davina rather than David.  Douglas has a tick on his ear, poor guy.

Big Gray!

The Alpha Squirrel.

Easter is just around the corner!


  1. Beth..lovely pictures of the two beautiful hummingbirds...lucky you💞 enjoy! Many blessings this Easter weekend....🐇🌷🕊

  2. I know you are happy to see the pair of Rufous hummers, Beth. The squirrels seem plentiful in our yard so far this season. Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. What a nice post. I must say, I do miss the chipmunks here.

  4. Wonderful pictures, Beth - always love seeing your hummers and the other guys are a delightful bonus! The chippie getting his drink is so cute. And wow! I blew up the first photo of Mr Gray Squirrel - those *feet*!

    Happy Easter!

  5. Wish we had hummingbirds here, they fascinate me. Hope the weekend is going well Diane

  6. Oh it is just so cool that you get Hummers this early! Great pictures! And of course, LOVE the Chippie pics! Adorable! Squirrels are even cute around your house... Yesterday, my daughter and granddaughter were telling us about the bunnies in their tiny backyard... Apparently they do not entice their dogs enough to chase them off! We were saying they've just accepted each other... Time will tell, since there is a big one and a baby right now! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.