Monday, March 12, 2018

June in March

I've chosen this Heart in Hand design as my next March stitch. 

Lately the weather has been more like June than March - 64f yesterday and it is supposed to be 68f today. I am seeing some of my earliest spring birds returning.

I've seen a couple of Turkey Vultures soaring overheard.

Welcome back!

The Robins are appearing in larger numbers and have been more active. 

I've also seen a couple of male Lesser Goldfinches.

After a couple of month's hiatus, I had a small group of Bushtits come by.

The Towhee's have begun to sing.

And on Sunday I saw my first Rufous Hummingbird (no photo), so I'll end with this adorable Chestnut-backed Chickadee.


  1. I'm envious of your weather. And the birds too.

  2. Lovely stitch.. and great assortment of birds with your Spring weather...enjoy 🌷🌷

  3. It is snowing here today. We saw a flock of Robins (probably 3 dozen) on the way to town on Saturday. I know you are happy to see the return of your spring birds.

  4. Oh your chickadee is so cute! I wish we had your weather. It's cold and damp here in the North West of the UK. Your new stitch looks sweet and hopefully ready in time to celebrate St Patrick's Day!

  5. How nice that your weather has turned warmer, Beth! We have had some gorgeous sunny days here, but it is still only in the 30s or low 40s. Gorgeous bird photos--the red breast on that robin is wonderful!

  6. Your new stitch is so him! Your photos are wonderful as usual. Every photo got an aah starting with the pretty red breasted robin to the most adorable chickadee. Thank you for such lovely photos. RJ

  7. I miss the chickadees--dont see them right here anyways where I am in Fl--
    I miss the birds I used to see down on the dock everyday too--been 6 months since Irma and they still won't let us down there!!
    enjoy the birdies' for me too--

  8. Nice to see the cute little bush tits!! It was so warm today, I was out and about in a tee shirt!

  9. Snowing yet again in the NE, I'm glad your enjoying beautiful weather and your migrants are returning home. Cute stitch!!!

  10. I could get along nicely with your temps! Thanks for sharing the great selection of birds you get at the feeders! I think once our weather stops freezing, we will see plenty of bird activity at home and in the wild! Hugs!


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