Monday, March 26, 2018

I Couldn't Wait!

I need to start on this, if I'm to have something to show before Easter. 

I usually post hummingbird photos on Sunday, but I could not wait that long to show off my first photographic evidence of a female Rufous Hummingbird...  

...and a male Rufous Hummingbird.  The Rufous hummers both showed up at the feeders early on Saturday morning.  I was thrilled. 

I now have two or three Turkey Vultures regularly flying overhead.

The Song Sparrows like my suet cylinder... do the Towhees and Juncos.


  1. Those two hummers are wonderful! Very exciting to have a pair! Enjoy the Easter sttch!

  2. Happy to see your hummer photos on Monday morning! I know you will enjoy the Easter/spring stitch.

  3. Absolutely AWESOME!! Two Rufous Hummers!! That is just such good news!!! Yay! I like your suet feeder, but I am afraid that the blackbirds that attempt to eat what I put out would DEVOUR it in that!! Hugs!

  4. Oh Beth what a treat for a Monday Rufous Hummingbirds ♥️😍 and a great stitch for Easter 🐣🐇🌷Blessings for a fabulous week!

  5. Your rufous hummers are glorious - how exciting that you saw both! Cute Easter stitch with fun spring colors.

  6. THe male Rufous is stunning!!! What beautiful markings. The LK stitch is a cute one!


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