Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Up High!

Here's my next start - I'm all about hearts this month.

Off in the distance, a pair of geese flew by...

...while much closer, a Cooper's Hawk perched atop our roof after a flyby past by bird feeders.

Be vigilant little birds!

The Juncos are bright-eyed and alert.
With good reason.


  1. Great photo of the Coopers Hawk!! Love seeing the hawks but not near my feeders!!

    The stitch is adorable!!!

  2. He looks so serene, but think he is probably plotting his next meal.

  3. Such a cute stitch!
    I don't like to see those hawks--yes, your sweet little bird needs to be careful!!!

  4. That stitch looks like a ton of fun. I always enjoy looking at your monthly headers of your finished stitching

  5. A great month to stitch hearts. I am trying to stay focused and only stitch on Early Americans. That hawk is actually a very pretty bird!

  6. I hope the little ones keep safe from those hawks!

  7. He is majestic looking but they still scare me. RJ


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