Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday's Finish

Design - "February" - "Double-Flips" F158
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 7 February 2018
Completed - 10 February 2018

Interesting color pallet for this design. Nothing that I would ever put together, and yet it works!  Designers are amazing Masters of Color. 

Not much to report in the birding world.
I do have a few Pine Siskins at the feeders.

The Juncos and the Yellow-rumped Warbler battle of the bark butter, but here they are sharing a blackberry vine.


Acorn Woodpecker AKA Man at Work!


  1. The LK are so colorful and charming. Your warbler may never leave as long as he is getting his butter bark!

  2. Congratulations on your LK finish! We sighted 3 pileated woodpeckers over breakfast this morning. I was surprised to see the 3.

  3. That's a very pretty finish! I know what you mean about color.

  4. What a sweet February finish. Did you see LK is retiring?

  5. Love that LK stitch. Great job Beth. RJ

  6. What a great shot of the Acorn Woodpecker! And what a great finish--you are so right about those colors. I would never have thought of combining them either!

  7. Who knew those colors would work together so well? Designers are amazing at putting colors together! Mary is Right! I had a Yellow-rumped Warbler chase away the Yellow-throated Warbler and every other small bird until they stopped coming! It wanted the Bark Butter for itself. Well, I stopped offering that, switched out the feeders and I THINK it has finally moved on... But, I am only seeing House Finches and Cardinals now, plus Downys and Red-bellied woodpeckers. I will eventually put out more Bark, but... Grackles and Blackbirds have found us, and the WM suet, and I am just not feeding them!! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.