Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Frosty Weather and Stitch

Design - "You Melt My Heart" (freebie)
Designer - Barbara Ana Designs
Fabric - 28 count Light Blue Jobelan
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 February 2018
Finished - 26 February 2018

The perfect finish to feature today. A heart for February and a snowman to represent our continued cold weather.  And the colors - I love the bright colors. 

Friday morning we went from a snowy morning, to a cold frosty morning.

It made for fat, puffy Steller's Jays.

The world was bright and brittle.

The light was hard and blue.

The air crisp and cold.

The smaller birds, like this Black-capped Chickadee, came early to the feeders 

Oodles and oodles of Oregon Juncos. 


  1. Beautiful stitch Beth just made me smile such pretty colors⛄️🌷

  2. Super stitch, Beth! I love the heart, the snowman and the cheerful colors. Stunning picture of the puffed out Stellar Jay!

  3. Such a sweet finish Beth. So cheery and bright. :D

  4. I love seeing the birds all puffed out like that, but I feel sorry for them knowing they must be cold!

    Love your latest finish, Beth--the perfect piece for almost spring weather!

  5. Adorable snowman! The birds are just beautiful, but oh, that ice - yikes!!

  6. What a cute Barbara Ana design! The colors are great! I'm getting very tired of this cold and snow!!!!!

  7. Love that adorable stitch Beth. And the Stellar Jay are just so pretty!!! RJ

  8. Those are lovely bright colours Beth. I can't believe the ice in your fountain! The birds will be glad of the feeders this week.

  9. Oh, that stitch is so colorful and cute!! Just like the pretty Jay!


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