Monday, January 22, 2018

Yea, I Started Another One

With two basketball games last week, I needed a little piece I could work on before the game, during time outs and half time.  So here's Lizzie Kate's "A Little Snow".  I made really good progress on the snow Saturday evening as the Oregon Ducks managed to hold off UCLA for a win!

An extremely rainy Sunday did not keep the California Quail away.

A fairly large group emerged from the protection of the brush...

...and made a mad dash for the sunflower seeds I scattered for them. 

The males are strutting their stuff.

Lots are already paired up. 


There's a lot of competition for the remaining females.


  1. Your snow piece is looking good, Beth. Oh my, what a flock of quail you have! Any bear sightings?

  2. I love your pictures of the quail. Your stitching is coming along nicely.

  3. I love your new Lizzie Kate piece, Beth. I watched your game...I'm a huge college basketball fan. In fact we had a big win Saturday when Florida beat our arch rival Kentucky.

    Love seeing all of the quail. You have made me appreciate all the different birds since reading your blog. And, that is saying alot from someone that has a deathly fear of birds. RJ

  4. What a cute little piece. I think I have this one in my stash somewhere.

    Glad your team won!

  5. So much fun to see all the quail! Yet another bird species I love! Nice stitching too!

  6. The quail are so handsome... that LK piece is so cute...somehow I haven't seen this one before...need to add it to my stash. happy stitching!!

  7. All those quails are marvelous. I have another feeder problem. The house finches sit at my sunflower feeder all day and go through the entire tube. My wonderful little chickadees can't even get in. Any ideas?

  8. Sweet little LK piece. I just love seeing the quail photos as we don't have them here and you certainly have lots of them! Thanks for taking the time to taking the photos and then posting them and your great commentaries.

  9. Look at all those plump quail! I love the one who is strutting! ha
    I like your new stitch!
    We used to go to the Mississippi State games--football and basketball. Our son was in the band, so we sat through many games--hot or cold outside, and the basketball ones were really loud! But fun! Our son was so happy to go to some playoff in Madison Square Garden. He played tuba and it had to come up on the freight elevator, and he got to walk across the court (before the game) to pick it up. He said the view from there was great! ha

  10. A Little Snow is looking good - what an adorable piece!


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