Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday's Walk Around the House

Rainy weather has precluding me venturing very far, but I did walk around the house looking for early signs of spring. Here's what I found...

This Scabiosa "Flutter Deep Blue" looks ready for spring. 

This is some sort of small funky early spring bulb my sister bought years ago.  It has spread and spread.


Wild currant has bright red buds. 

Witch hazel

Muscari "Valerie Finnis"

Daffodil "Jamestown NY"


Look!  There's a cluster of buds. 

Another Witch hazel.

This Bleeding Heart looks other-worldly as it erupts.

Speaking of erupting!  This is Trillium "Volcano". 



Another Hellebore

Wild Columbine


Daffodils and pink buds on a Daphne.

Another Currant - this one will be white.


And yet more daffodils!


  1. Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing pics of all these in bloom!

  2. Wow! I hope it doesn't return to the deep freeze.

  3. Oh Beth. Thank you for sharing these. I did not realize how very, very much I would be missing my garden. It is too early here for things to be shooting up, but just seeing your pictures...

  4. Amazing....such beauty already can only imagine how fabulous they will be 😘🌺 Thank you for this day brightner especially when I will be seeing snow through March..April 😁

  5. You are so lucky to have spring coming so soon. I love watching things grow

  6. Wonderful! You are a bit further along than we are. If it ever stops pouring rain, I will have to take a walk about. I have several of the same plants that you showed. I haven't been out for a bit between the nasty virus and the rain!!

  7. Beth what a beautiful sight to see so many things popping up. I look forward to seeing it all in full bloom. RJ

  8. Spring has sprung in your neck of the woods! Love those snowdrops. The clematis is flowering already?? I enjoyed your garden tour...looking forward to seeing it in full bloom.

  9. Beautiful plants and flowers! It seems early, but I guess Nature knows what's going on! ha

  10. Love seeing all the springy bits around your yard! Your snowdrops look so perfect. Am afraid we've lost our bleeding heart - thought I had three, but only had one come up last year, and it was kind of straggly. Can't figure out why I have such poor luck with them.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.