Saturday, January 13, 2018

Pretty Quiet

David (or Douglas - I can't tell) reports that it has been pretty quiet as of late. 

Nothing much to report.  A couple of Big Gray Squirrels came by and were hugely annoying (to David) for a couple of days.

One sighting of a brush bunny.

A couple of does with a handsome buck chasing them...

Oh, and a few chipmunks, but they're beneath our notice really!


  1. We have seen an increase in the big gray squirrels in the yard over the last week along with crows. No deer here, but we know they are out there.

  2. The squirrels are super cute. I love those little critters, they are comical.

  3. We had one day where it went from very cold to 64 degrees and I saw a squirrel for the first time in weeks, dropped the next day and no squirrels in sight again.

  4. He looks like he is posing for pictures Beth. He is a cute one. RJ


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