Tuesday, December 12, 2017

One Year Later

I last posted about this stitch on the 12th of December 2016. One year later I don't have much to show, do I? I'm putting this reindeer back in my stitching rotation and hope to work on it this evening.

A year ago I had a Sapsucker sighting.  Guess what?

One year later, a Red-breasted Sapsucker showed up!

The early morning light made it difficult to photograph. 

I tried several different angles.

Almost have him...

Here he is in all his glory!

Also really pleased to see my female Hairy Woodpecker once again.

She's been AWOL from the feeders for a couple of weeks.  Cold, cold mornings mean that sooner or later almost everyone stops by for some much needed caloric energy.


  1. I look forward to seeing your reindeer piece stitched up, Beth. Happy to see the return of the sapsucker.

  2. I would love to see that reindeer grow this month, Beth--what a cute design! Love seeing your birds as ours are MIA--not sure what is going on...

  3. What fun that the sapsucker made it two years in a row!

  4. Beth I love that stitch especially with the cardinal on its back. It is going to be so adorable. Love your sapsucker photos..it must have been a real treat to see him again. RJ

  5. Beautiful! Hope you enjoy working on that neglected stitch!

  6. How interesting that the Sapsucker arrived on the same date this year! I have seen the Yellow-bellied here this season already... going to check if it is close to the same time now! This morning the birds came by in twos! No yellow-throated tho... I look forward to seeing that design stitched... don't think I have seen anyone share it before! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.