Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve

The first half of December was cold, cold, cold.
The second half of December has been dreich (dreary) but warmer - above freezing most of the time.  

Gray skies and above freezing temps have made life a bit easier for the Anna's Hummingbirds.

I have several females...

..and they continue to be regulars at my feeders.

They prefer not to share.

And they stand guard when they are not drinking.

Then off they zoom to thwart an intruder.

I do have at least one male bird as well, but no photos of him.

The hummers' New Year's Eve advise: If you drink, don't drive - fly instead! 


  1. Love your hummers advise!! Great photos of these beautiful birds...Happy New Year!!

  2. They are so cute! Happy New Year!

  3. Thank you for sharing the photos of the hummers, Beth! I will enjoy the hummers on your blog until they return to my corner of VA in late spring. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! I’ve really enjoyed reading about your stitching and birding. I reserved the birding book you recommended and look forward to reading it in the new year. Have a happy prosperous year full of birds,critters,and stitching!

  5. Happy New Year---I thought hummers flew south for the winter???
    glad you have some to watch and to take photos of to entertain the rest of us that don't have any--even those of us who live in the south!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  6. Thank you for all the very beautiful bird photos this year!! I wish you good health and happiness in 2018. I'll add, seeing a few "new" birds this year!!

  7. I sure do look forward to seeing your Hummers, as it just amazes me they are around all year! I look forward to seeing them here, this coming summer! Hugs!


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