Monday, December 18, 2017

A Look Back At An Older Stitch

It's the week before Christmas, and I will be busy working, wrapping, and baking - no time to cross stitch.  I thought I'd feature some of my Christmas stitching from way back in the late 1990's - one design per day.  First off a Shepherd's Bush Christmas stitch.

Design - "Button Angel"
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - 18 count natural linen
Fibers - #5 DMC
Started - 5 November 1997
Completed - 8 November 1997

I can't tell you the last time I stitched with #5 DMC - probably back in the late 1990's!

I haven't heard any angels on high, but have heard a woodpecker up high.

Here's a photo of his work. Nice round holes with the sap flowing even in sub-freezing temperatures.

The work of a Red-breast Sapsucker.

This bird showed up around 8:00am for five days in a row.

He got used to me coming over to fill up a bird feeder attached to this tree. Probably got tired of flying away and waiting for me to leave. 

He was pretty puffed up against the cold temperatures.

I like how the small downy feathers are very much in evidence.

I've read that hummingbirds also eat from Sapsucker wells, but have never seen that.  It would be really cool to see a little hummer getting a drink.

Here's my male Hairy Woodpecker. 

He loves this cylinder feeder of pressed nuts and seed.

This female Flicker prefers suet.

She is enjoying a bit of winter sunshine while waiting her turn.

I've had lots of Acorn Woodpecker action in the past week.

Here's a male on the left and female on the right. Do you think she is chastising him?

And here's the happy couple at my peanut feeders.

Stations everyone!


  1. Your Christmas piece from the past is lovely. I can't remember the last time I used #5 either.

  2. Button Angel is so sweet Beth. I can't get over how attractive the woodpecker the color! RJ

  3. That is a lovely Christmas design!

  4. A feast of woodpeckers! Wonderful.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. How striking are the acorn woodpeckers! Sweet stitch!

  6. Don't think I have ever used #5 DMC! It's a very pretty piece. You get such a great variety of woodpeckers. I get a Downy pair and a Red-bellied pair at my feeders most days. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on the neighbor's tree earlier, like late fall, is a treat. But that's it!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.