Friday, November 3, 2017

November's Stitching Theme

Nope!  Not a new start, rather a UFO that I found and hope to finish this month.  November's stitching theme - gratitude (and turkeys).

Speaking of birds...

This has been a very strange autumn.  On October 30th I finally saw my first group of migrating Canada Geese. Usually from mid-September on I hear and see a couple of "V's" several times a week.

I am seeping Cooper's Hawks most days.

I still have a some Lesser Goldfinches.

I don't remember them hanging around this late in past years.

And chickadees - boy do I ever have Black-capped Chickadees.  I counted 6 of them yesterday. That's a record number I think.  I'll have to check my eBird lists.


  1. I hope you get the November piece finished this month. It is one of my favorites from this series. Enjoy your weekend, Beth!

  2. Oh Beth I love this piece you are working on. I do think it must go on my wish list which keeps getting longer and longer. Great bird photos too. Have a lovely weekend...I'm off to the beach for one last time this year. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  3. I have no doubt you will finish that piece in short order! I have a couple of chalk ornies I want to do... we shall see how it goes. No hawks in a couple of days... and I am glad! But... no birds at the feeders when I peek either... sigh... Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  4. Perfect themes for November. Our feeder on the deck will go out this month. Can't wait for all the chickadees to come back.


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