Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Let's Look Back at October

How did it get to be November so quickly?

Let's stroll back in time and watch the leaves change as October passes by.

And the mix of weather from raindrops... blue skies.

Enough rain this year in September and early October that the leaves turned color rather than going immediately from green to crunchy brown. 

Let's watch a pair of Big Leaf Maples as they change colors.

October 22nd

October 24th

October 26th

October 26th

October 26th

October 29th

November 1st

Here's another tree in transition.

October 19th

October 29th

October 31st

November 1st

Blackberry vines

Hazel brush - October 22nd

Hazel brush - November 1st

Cottonwoods - October 24th

Big Leaf Maple - October 24th

Owls pellets!  Owls cannot chew and swallow their prey whole.  The indigestible material is left in the gizzard and includes things such as teeth, skulls, claws, and feathers that are too dangerous to pass through the rest of the owl's digestive tract. To safely excrete this material, the owl's gizzard then compacts it into a tight pellets that the owl regurgitates. The regurgitated pellets are known as owl pellets.  Pretty cool, huh?

Fog today - rain tomorrow.


  1. You are fortunate to have beautiful color this year, we didn't,pretty much turned brown and fell, and still a lot of green. Your maple is gorgeous!

  2. What a beautiful change of the leaves. I love when you get to see the seasons change. Unfortunately here in Florida it never happens. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  3. What a great display of fall foliage pictures! Fall is surely the most colorful season for the year! Hugs!

  4. Great photos showing the progress of the fall. We had a beautiful October!!


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