Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving 1970

On my mother's side I am the oldest of 10 grandchildren, the last born in 1980.  So in 1970 there were nine of us.  I am on the back step in the middle with my brother on the same step on the left.  My mother and her two sisters all had baby girls within a twelve month period.My sister is one of the three and is in the front row in the middle. I remember this being a rather chaotic meal where the dinner rolls (in a brown paper bag) caught fire in the oven! 


  1. What a great photo and memory of the paperbag fire! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Mary

  2. Now I am laughing Beth!! This is super. Happy, Blessed Thanksgiving my friend.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Beth! What a wonderful photo of you, your siblings and cousins!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Beth! Hope you had a great day with your family. I love that photo! It must have been fun to have that many cousins all together. RJ

  5. That is such a cute photo and what a memory!

  6. What a fantastic photo! In 1970 I was 16 and, believe it or not, I think I had a blouse similar to the one you were wearing!😀 Happy happy Thanksgiving to you + yours! Your blog and beautiful photos make my day!😊

  7. What a great picture of you, your siblings and your cousins! I have ONE picture of us, in front of a Christmas tree, with all my cousins... There was only 8 of us total! Hope Thanksgiving was a memorable day again for you! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  8. What a fun photo--sounds like you must have had many memorable moments with those younger siblings and cousins of yours :)


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