Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Week Later

Chart - "Turkey Time"
Design - "Turkey Time"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Tumbleweed linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 orders
Started - 20 November 2017
Completed - 24 November 2017

I still have a couple more November-themed finishes to share with you.  Here's an extremely colorful turkey for your enjoyment. I think he looks rather worried as well he might. 

No worries here!  On rainy days Parvati keeps an eye on the outdoor world from atop her cat tower.

Here's a Cooper's Hawk wings spread wide to dry off after a heavy rain.  

The Anna's Hummingbirds go on about their business rain or shine.

The Steller's Jays on the other hand, aren't fond of a downpour.

I counted ten of them earlier this week.


  1. The Steller's Jays are so pretty in their blue. Love the picture of the Cooper's Hawk, Beth! Way to go on getting Mr. Turkey finished.

  2. Mr. Turkey came to life quickly! Love the wing spread on the hawk.

  3. Oh I haven't seen that stitch's adorable, Beth. Love the Stellar Jay...gorgeous color! RJ

  4. Cute little turkey finish! Having a Coopers around doesn't seem to deter 'your' birds. That's good. We had one in the neighbor's backyard a couple days ago, and no birds in the front! Parvati is a good guard cat! Ha!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.