Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Rain Returns

Today is supposed to be the start of four days of heavy rain.  I think I need to find a comfy spot and work on this owl while I listen to the rain.

I also can watch for woodpeckers - like this female Downy.

I think this is the first year I've had Downies as 'semi-regular' at the feeders.

They are the smallest of my woodpeckers and the get bullied by the larger woodpeckers... this male Hairy Woodpecker.

The Hairies also battle with one another - it is rare that I have two at the feeders at the same time.


It's a Red-breasted Sapsucker!

Female Acorn Woodpecker

...and a male.

Here's the largest of my woodpeckers this week - a Red-shafted Northern Flicker.  I need a Pileated Woodpecker to stop by so that I'd have my full compliment of woodpecker species.   


  1. Good start on the owl, Beth! I hope you get in a good bit of stitching during the rainy days.

  2. Beautiful bird pics.

    You are so lucky! Rain! My very dear friend in Spokane told me they were expecting rain too. Here in SoCal it's going to be HOT! Today it's mild, but by Sunday/Monday we'll be looking at close to 100 degrees. Ugh! This is the time of year when we get the Santa Anas and when we do we COOK! Thankfully they don't last too long!

    Enjoy your rainy days!


  3. Great start on your stitchy owl. Enjoyed the bird pictures - the red breasted sapsucker is beautiful, such a rich, vibrant shade of red!

  4. Have I mentioned that I love owls? lol! Great start! Love all the woodpeckers too, of course. Hummers, woodpeckers, owls, -- oh and quail! My list of favorites is growing....

  5. I am starting at the back, since I am catching up again... Going to love the owl, I am sure... Awesome birds! I especially like the Red-breasted Sapsucker! Striking colors! The juvenile Yellow-Breasted one just does not compare! Hope the Pileated comes by for you! Hugs!

  6. The owl will be wonderful Beth. As always great photos to enjoy for all of us happy followers. rj@stitchingfriendsforever


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