Monday, October 30, 2017

Sneaking in Another Stitch

Yep, I've started yet another Octoberish stitch.
This is "Autumn" from the "4 Seasons" series by Lizzie Kate.

Last Tuesday was my final sighting of the small flock of Evening Grosbeaks.

I sure enjoyed having these birds around for a few days.  Maybe they will show up again in December - stay tuned!

While I was eating breakfast Sunday morning, I looked out to see three Acorn Woodpeckers at this feeder - a feeder they've ignored up to now.

That's a BIG bite Mr. Acorn!

My sister pointed out that this quail was limping / hopping as he walked.  The left leg looks very odd like it branches. 

What does the jury think?

"We the jury are pestering this bird".  

The other males were playing dominance games with the injured bird.

I hadn't seen a Mourning Dove in a couple of weeks - maybe too many Cooper's Hawks around too much of the time.

My Anna's Hummingbirds continue to entertain and delight.

Along the west coast from southern Alaska through California, these normally migratory birds have become Winter Regulars. I maintain my feeders all winter long bringing them in at night during sub-freezing temperatures and rotating them during the day during cold weather.


  1. That's interesting the hummers stay over the winter now. I hope the quail with the injured leg will be ok...the Acorn Woodpeckers are such striking birds. I never see them here. Oh, and another delightful stitch!!

  2. Good progress on your Autumn stitch, Beth! Are you using the called for threads?

    We have had a hawk around so many of the birds and squirrels seem to be in hiding here.

  3. Love the stitcheries that you do--
    and Thank you for worrying about and taking care of the birds allll year long--and then sharing all those great photos with the rest of us--
    enjoy the moments,di

  4. I'm only seeing half of your photos Beth but I love the woodpecker. What an awesome looking bird. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. I love the photo of the Acorn with the open beak!! Another one for the Beth Bird Calendar!!! The new stitch is really cute!

  6. Plenty of time to still stitch autumn pieces! Tho I admit, I started an ornie last night... :) Just wanted to do a small piece. I hope that one quail survives. We know it is survival of the fittest out there, even in your yard. Thanks for sharing!


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