Saturday, October 14, 2017

Saturday's Critters

Here's a recap of some of the critters I've seen this week

The chipmunks have figured out that this small container is full of sunflower seeds.

What to do with a stash of sunflower seeds?
Bury them in a flower pot.

It's dirty work!

I've been reading up a bit on Douglas squirrels.

They prefer old growth and mature second growth forests.

In western Oregon their main food source are Douglas fir seeds.  I've seen David and Douglas carrying around fir cones. They are supposed to bring the cones to a central location where they strip the cones of seeds.

I have up to six doe in the backyard. 

That usually causes a kerfuffle or two. 

Then things settle down and those that remain take a nap.
Do you have a nap in store this weekend?


  1. Chipmunk in the orange pots make a pretty fall décor photo!

  2. Critters is right! But they make for some really cute pictures! Hugs!

  3. Very cute critter pictures, Beth! Enjoy your Saturday!

  4. Wonderful pictures of that cute little imp! Blowing up the chippie pictures shows another difference between the ones you have and the eastern guys besides the white stripe mine have on their sides between the dark bands - either your guys have pointier noses/faces, or their facial stripes make them appear so.

  5. Oh those Douglas squirrels are just fabulous!

  6. Aw... I do love watching chipmunks and your photos are just adorable :)

  7. I do like that chipmunk - what a great little animal.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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