Thursday, October 5, 2017

Random October Observations

Here's my most recent progress. This is a rather fanciful woodpecker, but very pretty nonetheless.

We are enjoying a mix of showery days and cool sunny autumnal days. 

Looking closely at the flock of American Goldfinches, I can often pick out a Pine Siskin or two in the mix.

Given the number of birds, that is sometimes a challenge.

One day soon based on past years, I expect the Goldfinches to pack up their bags and leave.

Here's a bird that has come to spend the winter with me - a Fox Sparrow.

And I ought to have Red-breasted Nuthatches all winter too.

I was able to observe, but not photograph two. 

They are also active at the feeder in my sister's Dahlia Garden.

Such an intelligent looking bird!

Every birding year is a bit different than the others.

While last fall and winter I do't think I ever saw a Varied Thrush, this year I've already had several sightings...

...including this handsome male.

If you click on this link, you can see photos of a female Varied Thrush. The colors on the male, including the black 'necklace' are much stronger and more prominent. 

Robins are also members of the Thrush Family. Varied Thrush sometimes hang out with Robins - it pays to look closely.


  1. The varied thrush is a beautiful bird, I had to look to see if they are in my area but unfortunately not. Lots of robins though!

  2. Beautiful stitching on the woodpecker...who is designer? Pictures are lovely...

  3. Love the woodpecker stitch! Who is the designer? What pretty birds you featured today!

  4. I think your stitched woodpecker is almost as pretty as the real ones.

  5. LOVE the woodpecker stitching! Too cute!
    You have tons of feeders! No wonder you see so many birds! I know it's great fun! The deer is sweet

  6. Such a cute woodpecker WIP, Beth! And I love the thrush photos. Is that corn that the nuthatch is eating?

  7. Oh I love the woodpecker is darling. And such wonderful bird photos. Thank you for sharing with us. RJ

  8. Wow! A Varied Thrush is gorgeous!! The colors are so vibrant and striking! Congrats on such a great bird visit! And lucky you to have Red-breasted Nuthatches all winter... I am hoping to finally spot one and get a photo this season! It could happen! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.