Monday, October 23, 2017

I Cannot Wait

I am still plugging away on my owl, but I had to kit up (and begin stitching) "be Very Scary" by Lizzie Kate. I had to!

We had a very rainy weekend - over 2" of rain.  The birding was better than I thought it might be.

Here's a Fox Sparrow.

And a REd-breasted Nuthatch celebrating the return of blue skies.

Angry Bird impersonation

I've sure enjoyed having nuthatches active at the feeders.

Another Angry Bird impersonation.

As a small bird, he has to wait his turn at the peanut feeders.  He get impatient at times. 

I am seeing more and more Oregon Juncos as fall takes hold.

I counted 10 birds the other day.

The California Quail continue to stop by each day.

I guess it is not too soon to start pairing up.


  1. The Fox Sparrow photo is stunning, great head on perspective, such a pretty bird. Love the whimsy of the LZ stitch.

  2. Love the picture of the fox sparrow; his expression made me chuckle. Nice start to the LK piece!

  3. I know... the chart called to you! Been in that position! We ALL have! I sure do hope I get to see a Red-breasted Nuthatch this season... it is raining right now, so not getting out... I will try to blog, in between making stuff with the BUSHEL of apples I brought home from my trip! Hugs!

  4. That fox sparrow is a pretty bird! Love the angry bird photos!

  5. You never disappoint with your photos Beth. Great job! Your Lizzie Kate stitch looks like it is going to be a great one. RJ


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