Saturday, October 21, 2017

Few and Far Between

Not much critter activity this week - I find I do not have even one photo of a bunny.

I do have chipmunks... 

And Douglas (or David - I cannot tell them apart) has been by. 

I saw the two of them chasing after each other - running circles around a large Douglas fir tree chattering all the while.

I have had lots of deer - six or seven at a time.

They've taken to napping and chewing their cud in the backyard...

...several deer at the same time.

Proof positive that they love bird seed!


  1. Sweet photo of the deer with his nose covered in seed. Have a great weekend birding.

  2. haha! Love the doe with her nose covered in seed. ;)

  3. Your critter pictures are super; I love the deer with the seed on its nose. Enjoy your Saturday, Beth!

  4. love the seeded deer bless him .. not seen much wildlife around here for awhile either ... having storm Brian here at the moment isn't helping either ... love mouse xxxx

  5. Now chipmunks--are something I did see while I was in NY in the area I was in nor down here in Fl, but I have always loved the look and coloring of them--and they seem like such sweet critters!!!
    enjoy the moments,di

  6. Love your furry animal pics as much as your bird pics. Always a treat to see!

  7. Ha! Great capture of the deer with evidence of seed consumption!

  8. Love all of your wildlife photos Beth. Have you seen the photos I put up of Yellowstone. I got some great wildlife photos I think you would enjoy. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever


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