Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wet Wednesday Walk

So, so very wonderful to have showers, drizzle, and good old rain!
There's a bit of a break - the air is clear - let's go outside.

I am watching this Hawthorn - the Cedar Waxwings should devour the berries when they are ripe.

Someone without tasting, the birds can tell whether or not berries or fruit are ripe. 

Ripe blackberries - even I can tell that!


Butter and Eggs

Native Dogwood leaves are now turning. It looked to me like all the fruit had been consumed. 



Oak gall - the parasitic wasp has grown up and escaped.


A Western Pond Turtle at the Quarry Pond.  There was also a Belted Kingfisher, but it flew off before I could get a photo.

Pond plants in bloom.

Lupine seeds

Vine Maple

Blackberries and Rosehips - good companions.

Further signs of fall - the Bracken fern is turning color.


  1. Fall is on its way in. Lovely photogs Beth!

  2. Love the name butter and eggs for that plant, I just learned that recently! Do you make tea out of your Hawthorn Tree? It's great for cardiac health. I recently started to drink that tea. Great photos, I always learn something new coming to your blog. Mary

  3. I am so happy for this rain and cooler temperatures! Lovely walk today!

  4. Such a wonderful walk! I have so enjoyed smelling the fresh air since we have also gotten some badly needed rain!!

  5. I wish I could take that walk with you Beth. It is so pretty and refreshing. RJ

  6. If I wasn't having a friend over to stitch today (hopefully), I would be out walking SOMEwhere! It is a little cooler today, and with all the fall colors starting to show... lovely! But I would not see as many beautiful trees and bushes with berries as you have there, cause I wouldn't know where to look! Glad to hear you had some rain, and it cleared a bit. Hugs!


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