Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday's Walk in the Dahlia Garden

September is when the dahlias come into their full glory.
Let's take a walk in my sister's dahlia garden.

Dahlias come in many different forms...

...and sizes and colors.

Here's a pretty pink one especially for Vickie!

As there are over 200 plants in the garden, I expect that each of us will have our own favorite. 

I like this bright fuchsia one with white tips.

And this one is lovely too.

Really they all are, aren't they?

The recent rains were hard on some of the larger plants, but welcome nonetheless.

This one looks like a sea urchin!

And this resembles a waterlily.

A ball form...

and collorettes.  The bumblebees love these open face dahlias.
Why plant over 200 dahlias you ask? 

So that you have perfect blooms for the Lane County Dahlia Show!

The LCDS was a great success.

A  triple!

Makes my head spin...

Look at them all!

My sister was head judge for the show. And ended up with prize-winning blooms.

That's one of her rewards for growing dahlias year after year.


  1. Wow those are some gorgeous Dahlias. Loved them. - Just became a Follower of your blog too.

  2. I'm always in awe of your sister's Dahlias, Beth! They get prettier each year. We had a few in our garden this year, but they just don't compare to Oregon grown ones :)

  3. Such a pretty walk. You can almost smell those lovely dahlias. Love all of the colors. They are one of my favorite flowers. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  4. Your sisters dahlias are gorgeous!! My mother always used to grow some. We called them 'earwig flowers' because they were always full of them. I remember having to plunge the heads into cold water before putting them in vases to get rid of earwigs. 😄


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