Friday, September 1, 2017

Michigan Birds Here and There

Having visited county parks, state parks and national lake shores in Michigan, I had lots of opportunities to look for birds.

I saw 18 species while we were Out and about.

Some were ubiquitous like Turkey Vultures and Wild Turkeys and...


I did see a couple of new to me warblers - that's always exciting!

Here's my photo of a pair of Black and White Warblers - yep no birds even though we all saw them flitting about.

Here's a photo of the birds that got me so excited.

And here's a female Common Yellowthroat. While Common Yellowthroats also hang out in Oregon, I've never seen one, so this was another first.

American Robin

This Osprey was fishing at the edge of Lake Huron.

I managed to get some very credible photos of him.

Cousin K had Eagle Eyes and spied this Bald Eagle.

The brown blur on the left is a Barn Swallow. Dozens of birds swooped along Mackinac Island's main business street as horses and their poop attract insects which then attracted the birds.  I also saw dozens of Purple Martins flying along the Grand River in Grand Haven, but was not able to get any photos.

Here's another new to be bird - Eastern Phoebes.

Hanging out on branches is what these birds do.

Eastern Kingbirds were prevalent at the edge of the Dunes in Mears, MI.

Lake Michigan and Lake Huron were bird paradises. Especially for waterfowl like this Mallard.

A Ring-billed Gull.

They were everywhere. 
I thought I had a photo or two of a Herring Gull, but if so, I can't find them any longer.

A Green Heron was another new to me bird.  The herons sound every unusual and that is what attracted my attention as I sat on the patio of our hotel room in Mackinaw City, MI. 

Female Common Mergansers

They are such cool birds that they are due more than just one photo.

Here's a Common Tern, my final Michigan New Bird.

So 18 species spied while out and about without obsessive birding!

And finally, I have to share this Great Blue Heron photo.
Good times! 


  1. You certainly DID have a good time birding!!

  2. I'm so jealous of your trip, as I've wanted to visit Mackinac Island for the longest time. Glad you saw lots of new-to-you birds.

    Speaking of which, what's your lifetime bird count Beth? It must be pretty high.

  3. You spotted so many great varieties in Michigan, Beth! The Great Blue Herons visit our pond from time to time (much to my husband's dismay--he is afraid they'll make off with his koi!!).

  4. Just lovely varieties to add to life list of birds so much fun! Thank you for taking us on your journey so enjoyable 😘

  5. So beautiful! Love the sea birds. A Michigan is definitely on my "bucket list"😀

  6. So many beautiful birds! My dad built his best friend a purple martin house to have on Torch lake in MI.

  7. That is a great variety of birds! Funny how we take them for granted, assuming everyone has them. Like the Cardinal... especially since it is a 'Northern Cardinal' ! You did well... Hugs!


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