Saturday, September 9, 2017

Lane County Farmers' Market

My sister and I have not visited our local Farmers' Market much this summer.
We decided to rectify that last weekend.

September is a time of abundance!

And color.

Sweet corn!  That makes everyone happy.

Figs, plums, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.

Cucumbers too.
Unfortunately, my camera battery died.  Oh well.


  1. What good looking produce at your farmer's market, Beth! We have enjoyed ours this summer. Enjoy your Saturday!

  2. Awesome!🍎🍐🍑🍓🍅🌽🌶

  3. I have eaten so many tomatoes this summer especially lately! I love it!

  4. Love the abundance of summer veggies and fruits...You were going good there, till the battery died! :)


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