Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Walk in September

As of the end of August, wildfires in Oregon have burned over 300,000 acres and cost $100,000. Conditions here are still so hot and dry - very dangerous.  And, as you can see, the air quality is very unhealthy. 

I took a very short walk Sunday morning.  Here's what I saw.
Bracken fern


False Solomon's Seal

Water in the Big Creek

Western Pond Turtle. I saw three turtles in mid-August. 


A 'feral' plum tree in the forest

The fruit sure is pretty.

Douglas' Aster

Ash tree leaves - mottled and brown.
They are some of the first trees to drop in the fall.

Drooping leaves on Bitter Cherry. This poor tree would love to have some rain.

White Oak

Douglas' Spireae

Vine Maple

Osier Dogwood berries

Osier Dogwood bloom

Cloud of thistle seed


The Cedar Waxwings should be flocking to this tree!

Pearly Everlasting

Our wild apple tree

Pacific Dogwood

Dogwood fruit


Even after our tough cold winter, the Madrone looks green and healthy.
I'm hoping next week's walk will be in better weather and air quality. 


  1. Are the 'feral' plums and wild apples edible?

    The fires out west are mind-boggling. I hope you all get some rain soon. A lot of rain. :(

  2. The fires have been awful in California too - I surely do hope we get some rain in the West. Your walk looks so green and wonderful!

  3. Even with these bad conditions you have found lovely things. We had ash on our deck this am. It appears very cloudy but it is only the smoke.

  4. IF only we could send you some of the rain we have HAD and will probably HAVE soon! We surely don't need it as badly as other parts of our country! It's been a very wet summer here... The cloud of Thistle Seed sure is striking! We had Sassafras trees turning in July...that was pretty early to me! Thanks for getting out and then sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.