Friday, September 22, 2017

Building a Bird

I've got a California Scrub Jay under construction!.  He is going to be a handsome bird.

Speaking of birds...
On Sunday I was gifted with the presence of three Western Tanagers!

I kinda' went crazy taking photos.

Here's a young male - slightest bit of red in the face.

Here's a female...

...she has her mouth open and her tongue stuck out.

Male and female...

Close up of the male - see the bits of red on the front of his face?
I think he is a "this year's bird" - born this summer.

I never got a photo of all three birds.
In fact I'm uncertain as to just what I saw - maybe one male and two females.



Love his bright yellow downy feathers on his back. 

Unusually for this time of year, the birds were singing!

I just clicked away... the female posed for me to the right...

...and the left...

...and back again.

What a wonderful sight to see.

Back to the male Western Tanager.

Thanks for stopping by on your way south for the winter.


  1. I'm glad the Tanager's dropped in for a visit, they surely are beautiful birds.

  2. Wowie zowie! Fantastic post + pics. Just lovely. Love love love the California scrub jay x stitch! 😀

  3. Oh, that newest bird you are working on is so pretty, Beth--of course, I love all the blue :) And what colorful birds those Tanagers are...

    Happy first day of autumn!

  4. You were visited by some very beautiful birds!!!!

  5. Those birds are stunning...what gorgeous colors! I love your newest stitch too. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. Awesome visitors! Not too many pictures to me! I have troubles identifying all birds when they are in between plumages. But I DO know they shouldn't be singing. I looked it up in a book I have, that said they are not 'especially notable singers' because ornithologists believe 'they are rarely concerned about territorial defense, so have no special need for more than average vocal abilities.' Granted it is from 1990... makes sense! Look forward to the finished Scrub Jay! Hugs!


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