Friday, August 4, 2017

Road Trip - Day #4 - My Michigan Adventure - Friday 8/4

Deja vue I know as I've already shown this piece all stitched up, but back on August 4th I'd intended to introduce it to you as part of my stitching rotation, so here it is. And here it is complete if you'd like to refresh your memory.

And now back to My Michigan Adventure.

On Friday, August 4th we awoke to a distant thunderstorm and rainbow. 

The plan was to return 'home' via a more direct southern route via Michigan 75. But first, a lighthouse called. This is McGulpin Point Lighthouse.

It had a nice view of the Mackinac Bridge...

...and a nature trail down to the lake.

Locally, this rock is just as famous a Plymouth Rock.  In fact is is much larger at 34 feet long and 54 tons. French explorers plying the Straits of Mackinac since 1615 used the rock to gauge water levels as they navigated in canoes along the tumultuous waters between Michigan’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas.
Native Americans used it much earlier.
On the way back to Allendale, we found the cutest Dairy Queen ever near South Higgins Lake State Park.  We had to stop. We needed to fuel up before our wildflower walk.

Cousin K. knows me well and she penciled in a visit to Lake Loda Wildflower Sanctuary in the Huron-Manistee National Forests. The 7 acre site includes welands, a marsh, a lake, red pine, black oak, fern wetlands, and a small stream.  Lots to see, so off we go!

August is not the best month to see wildflowers in bloom, but with our guide we were able to observe Pitcher Plants...

...and Water Lilies.

An interesting fern.

Baby trees!

I was thrilled to see Indian Pipes  or Ghost Plants(Monotropa uniflora). It is not a fungus, but rather a plant - a member of the blueberry family it likes a dense moist forest floor with lots of leaves and detritus.

A shaded forest is a great place for moss.

Lots of mosses.

Cat-tails like marshy areas.

Though no longer in bloom, this Lady Slipper Orchid was easy to ID.

Lots and lots of fungi and mushrooms. 

See what I mean?

Here's the small stream...

I thought it very odd looking with its sandy bed.  But as Cousin K. reminded me, the state of Michigan is basically one huge sandbar. Thus the dunes and sandy lake shores.
A Jack-in-the-Pulpit. It's bloomed and set seeds. 

The forest - quiet and still - we did not see anyone else during our walk. 

Baby Black Oaks.

Rubeckia is a staple in gardens, it was strange to see it as a wildflower.

Some kind of delicate helianthus (sunflower).

Sister L, Cousin K's daughter M, Cousin K.
And how are we doing after 4 days and 3 nights and 650 miles of travelling together?  Pretty happy I think! 
What a wonderful adventure we shared.  Many great memories.


  1. What a nice family photo! I am so happy you have been able to enjoy wonderful Michigan. You have done lots of travel. Did you run across my beautiful Torch Lake? Basically it is between Traverse City and Charlevoix. It is a few hills from Lake Michigan. On a good day on a hill, you could see both lakes. Supposedly it is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world by color. National Geographic did a story about it many years ago.

  2. What a beautiful trip and great pics. I call 'whoopie' on the Dairy Queen find- serendipity for sure. Lovely stitching too Beth! ☺🍦🍨🌭🍟🍔


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