Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Red Bird Teaser

Design - "Cardinals"
Chart - "Prairie Birds"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Ocean Kiss Wichelt linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 August 2017
Completed - 19 August 2017

Finished the PS Cardinals - a nice Michigan momento.

And here's the proof!  I heard and saw several Northern Cardinals in my cousin's backyard.

My Backyard Birds are somewhat less colorful...

I do have a group of Purple Martins...

...and I've decided that they will be the next PS "Prairie Birds" stitch.

The Ravens are hanging about too.

Grawk!  Grawk!

Here's a California Scrub Jay.

The jays are molting and look pretty tatty.

See - the Steller's Jays too are scruffy.

I think this is a young bird.

It certainly was a vocal bird.

My family units of California Quail ebb and flow...
But in most cases there is a Papa Quail standing guard on high... 

...while Mama Quail watches on the ground level.

They are protective parents.

Papa Quail on the front left, Mama Quail on the back left, and all the 14 babies center to right.

Fluffy and cute.

 I think this is my favorite stage as youngsters.

Are you ready for another trip back in time to Michigan?


  1. Well done on the PS Cardinal finish, Beth! I love cardinals especially in the middle of winter when their red "coats" add a pop of brightness to the landscape.

  2. Oh your cardinal stitch is great Beth! I love those fuzzy, little babies!!

  3. Yup--I am SO glad that you got to finally see Cardinals!! Congrats on that, AND the finish! Look at those adorable, fluffy little baby pheasants! I think I like the California Scrub Jays better...(gee, I wonder why??) Hugs!

  4. Your birds are pretty too. I do miss cardinals and love the stitched piece.

  5. hope you had a wonderful eclipse sighting :) gorgeous photos of all the birds :) love mouse



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