Thursday, August 24, 2017

Crazy Good Birding - Part One

Ironically as I stitch along on the Purple Martins and their birdhouse, I've not seen or heard 'my' Purple Martins for several days now.

Nonetheless, it's been Crazy Good Birding the past few days. My rarities have become regulars including...

How do you top a Yellow-breasted Chat?  You don't, so I'm starting with this amazingly vivid bird.  

On this occasion the bird hung around for almost an hour. 

And he posed over and over again.

I ended up taking dozens of photos before I finally quit and just enjoyed watching him.

The white spectacles, and the yellow throat and breast, define the Chat. 

Even out of focus, he glows...

Verging on too many photos right?  I warned you.

In flight.

See the white spectacles?

Grumpy bird impression.

And yet, when his back is turned, he blends into the canopy the better to hide.

And here's Bird Number Two.  Do you see her?

It's a Hermit Thrush a relative of the American Robin.

She was more shy and secretive than the Chat.

Batter up!  Bird Number Three.  A Black-throated Gray Warbler.

A long name for a little bird.

The black and white stripes make this bird distinctive... does the bright spot of yellow at the front of the eyes.

One bird is great, but was topped by two BTGWs on Wednesday morning.

More Chat photos you groan...Nope!

A gray head and throat with a bright yellow belly means that Bird Number Four is a MacGillivray's Warbler.

A once common warbler in my area, it is now a rarely seen bird.

Super special then that I've seen one for three days in a row.

Note the broken white eye-ring, another way of correctly IDing this bird. 

And last, but certainly not least, here's Bird Number Five singing away.
After years and years of hearing, but not seeing it, I finally have a couple of good photos of the Bouncing Ball Bird AKA a Wrentit.

Larger than a Bushtit, it is quietly colored, but an amazing vocalist.

If you have a moment click on the Typical Voice and listen to why I call this the Bouncing Ball Bird and will never confuse it with any other bird.

Here's the Wrentit in all its glory.
Crazy Birding indeed!

Your reward for lasting this long?  A link to Day Three of my Road Trip - and on-going Michigan Adventure. 


  1. What a lovely post today Beth, so many new birds for me to learn about. The yellow breast is such a pretty shade, so vibrant.

  2. Just fabulous Beth! So enjoyed seeing all of these different birds you must have been thrilled 😘 Thanks for sharing...

  3. Wow! You've won the bird lottery! Wonderful pics!

  4. Yep--still think I need to come and pitch a tent in your backyard for awhile with my camera!!! Lovely photos-thanks--
    enjoy the moments, di

  5. What a great bird post, Beth! Those are all new-to-me varieties and each one is so pretty, especially the Chat.

    Your new piece of stitching is so pretty, too. Although we have a martin house, we have never had martins in the 33 years we've lived here. I think there were starlings or something for many years and now squirrels have taken over. They are hilarious how they crawl right up the tall poll.

  6. Such pretty birds, Beth. I love your stitch too...really cute! RJ

  7. Terrific birding -- that chat is gorgeous!

  8. Those are some GREAT bird finds!! The Black-throated Gray Warbler is so very cool! At first I thought it was a Black and White Warbler, which are very elusive to find! Congrats on that one! AND the Hermit Thrush...not the easiest to spot either! They blend in so well with the surroundings! But--the one with the hardest name, MacGillivray's Warbler... WOW!! I would love to see one live and in person! We got to see a few Chats this year... we just follow their songs! Always looking up! And we never will get Wrentits or Bushtits, according to the maps... (but we've had a few birds that aren't 'normal' to the area, so... it could happen!!), so always love seeing any of those type birds! Congrats on a great birding week! Hugs!

  9. The blue on the warbler is so pretty. Such a wonderful assortment of birds you were able to photography. Mary


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