Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Stars and Warblers

I am stitching away on "13 Stars". Five of them completed thus far. Two more almost done.

"Hey guys!  What's up with all the Warblers around here?"

For three or four days I had several young Orange-crowned Warblers morning and evening.  

The great thing was that the birds lingered...

...and posed.

They worked the Bracken fern looking for insects.

Here's a pair.

Pose on a wire on the fence.

Pose on a branch.

I could not stop taking pictures...

I even managed a couple of good close-ups///


Bird and blooms.

Three birds!

Chubby and fluffy in the morning sun.
I also saw a Black-throated Gray Warbler and a Tennessee Warbler but was not able to get photos of them.

I did manage a couple of this male Wilson's Warbler.

This is my first sighting of this bird for the summer.
Lots of Warblers, yes?


  1. Stitching is looking wonderful....lucky you to have such a nice assortment of Warblers 🌻

  2. Just gorgeous, Beth! Thanks once again for sharing such sweet beauty with your friends.
    Have a great day

  3. You are lucky, the warblers are so pretty. I love the 13 Stars!! It is going to be very pretty!

  4. Wow!!!! Look at all those great pictures!! Awesome! Up until today, I don't think I even KNEW there were Black-throated Gray Warblers!! A Very Good Warbler day!! Congrats! Your Thirteen Stars is looking great... gotta go back and see the design again! Hugs!

  5. The Wilson's Warbler is so precious! I am so glad you share all your birding photos with us!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.